Confident Instruments, Inc.

Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA)

Gage R&R is only one key analysis for achieving conclusive and near risk free measurements of all types.   Deeper analysis is called, Measurement Capability Analysis (MCA) or Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA).   (MSA is a tool recommended in the Six Sigma process method and it is based upon MCA, practiced before Six Sigma.)   It starts with Gage R&R with its key metric, often the P/T Ratio, and then moves on to determine:

For measurements that are important to them, your customers want to see a reasonably tight confidence interval (or P/T Ratio) and are often impressed with a report or presentation discussing the MSA (or MCA) for the instruments used to make those key measurements.

Confident Instruments, Inc. can help with performing MSAs on each instrument.  We can also perform statistical analysis to determine if grading criteria are set properly given the instrument's performance and customer feedback.  On the upstream side, we can assess whether measurements are conclusive enough and at high enough frequency to effectively adjust control production variables and/or predict finished product quality .

Up Gage R&R Analysis P/T Ratio Confidence Interval