Surface Oxide Testing at Confident Instruments

Rod or wire samples can be shipped to Confident Instruments, Inc. for testing.  We charge $12 per sample and provide test curves as well as detailed testing conditions.

However, it should be noted that shipping samples for testing can is often undesirable because (depending upon the metal) the oxides may continue to grow in shipping, thus making comparisons to samples drawn directly from production imperfect.   

To reduce the amount of oxide growth during shipment the following are recommended:

  1. Communicate your plans with Confident Instruments.  When we unexpectedly receive a large amount of samples, we may not have our schedules prepared to test the samples immediately after receipt.

  2. Wrap the samples such that oxidation in shipping is reduced.  Including:

    1. Make certain the all samples and packing materials are dry.

    2. Wrapping each sample tightly in aluminum foil, perhaps with a plastic wrap barrier between the sample and the foil to prevent damage to the sample

    3. Add desiccant to the overall package to minimize moisture.

  3. Please ensure that the rods or process wire sent has consistent radius of curvature from coiling operations or that it has been properly straightened.  Often we are sent rod that has been very roughly straightened only to fit into the shipping tube and thus does not provide a consistent geometry the we can use to accurately solve for the test.  If rod is routinely straightened in your lab, then that same straightening procedure should be used on the rod samples shipped to us.

  4. Our latest article recommends an improved deaeration technique, which maintains what we consider a �very low� dissolved oxygen level.  We have found that without the adoption of this technique and without the use of calibrated dissolved oxygen meters at both sites, it is impossible to ensure that your dissolved oxygen level matches our level.  In other words, in future testing we will maintain this �very low� dissolved oxygen level, which most likely will not match your electrolyte level, until you adopt this new technique as well. 

